건강정보 저장고

Infrared Light Therapy

지모프 2014. 6. 12. 13:15

Infrared Light Therapy is like acupuncture without the needles

Have you always wanted to try acupuncture, but you are a bit gun-shy when it comes to the idea of needles?  Have you wondered if the process was painless? Yes, there are ways to experience acupuncture without any kind of pain or discomfort, which is the primary method at Golden Point Acupuncture.  However, I have recently discovered a way to have some of the similar health benefits of this ancient tried and true medicine come to the body not through a needle, rather via near infrared (NIR) light.

red blood cell

Near infrared light therapy has been scientifically proven to increase blood circulation, nitric oxide output, ATP production in mitochondrial cells, lymphatic circulation, and angiogenesis (blood vessel formation), all of which are known features of an acupuncture treatment.  It also has been shown to increase collagen, the necessary building block for skin and connective tissue.

People who use NIR light therapy could see improvement in:

  • chronic pain
  • arthritis
  • tendonitis, strains, and sprains
  • neuropathy
  • slow-healing wounds
  • bursitis
  • acne, wrinkles, rosacea, other skin repair
  • stress reduction
  • insomnia
  • SAD/ Depression

NIR light therapy sends wavelengths down to the depth of bone allowing for detoxification to take place at this level as well.  I will be performing NIR light therapy along with acupuncture treatments for a limited time during the month of May atGolden Point Acupuncture to enhance the efficacy of treatments.  For more information about NIR you can also view the following videos.

Near Infrared Light Therapy Explanation

In Light Wellness System

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